Mayflower Properties Blog

Tips for Decluttering!


Tips for Decluttering Your Home! Will it Fit in a 5x10 Storage Unit? How to Move Quickly! Clutter in your home can not only cause added mental stress, but also holds dust, dirt, and unwelcome critters in your home. By taking a few simple steps, you can prevent your home from accumulating unnecessary items that eventually result in piles of clutter. Below is Meadowbrook Self Storage’s top tips and tricks on how to clean current clutter in your home while also preventing it in the future. Keep, donate, trash, storage Next, go through your clutter one room at a time and decide what you would like to keep, donate, put into storage or toss in the trash. One rule to keep in mind is to think of the last time that you used or needed it. If you cannot remember the last time you used it, or have not used it in the past 6 months, you will be better off either throwing it away or donating it. If you are not ready to part with your items Meadowbrook Self Storage has the storage and moving boxes you need to declutter your home. Uncover the truth One of the most important steps in decluttering is discovering why you have clutter in your home. Are you unable to part with items from your past? Are physical items bringing you comfort? Unveiling the reason for holding onto items that you truly have no use for will help you overcome allowing a cluttered home in the future. Design a layout Now that you have organized your items that you would like to keep, you will need to design a layout for those items. Place similar items together, or group by purpose or use. Meadowbrook Self Storage’s packing supplies will be helpful. This will help you mentally prepare for how you would like them organized. Grab a piece of paper and design a layout for how you would like the items to be organized, Whether using filing cabinets, bookshelves, ...

July 13th, 2021